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Canadian Dollar To Naira, Australian Dollar To Naira And Other Currencies To Naira Exchange Rates

Canadian Dollar To Naira, Australian Dollar To Naira And Other Currencies To Naira Exchange Rates

This page shows the different black market exchange rates of the Canadian Dollar to Naira, Australian Dollar to Naira, South African Rand to Naira and other currency exchange activities performed on this site by members, exchange rate from FX brokers as well as the abokis on the street of Lagos.


 Today's Other Currencies To The Naira Black Market         Exchange Rate:


Buy Rates (₦)
Sell Rates (₦)


CAD714**75016/04/24Lagos Aboki
INR 17.2517.4925/03/24"
RMB (YUAN)171.96176.1003/04/24"

: These are the currencies exchanged in Naira black market in the table above :

✓ The Canadian Dollar (CAD) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Australian Dollar (AUD) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The New Zealand Dollar (NZD) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The South African Rand (ZAR) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Ghana Currency Ghana Cedis (GHS) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Egypt Currency, the Egyptian Pound (EGP) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ India Currency, the Indian Rupees to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Brazil Currency, the Brazilian Real (BRL) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Malaysia Currency, the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Turkey Currency, the Turkish Lira (TRY) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ China Currency, the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) or Yuan to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The West African CFA to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Kenya Currency, the Kenyan Shilling (KES) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ Libya Currency, the Libyan Dinar (LYD) to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The United Arab Emirates Currency (Dirham), the AED to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Saudi Arabia Riyal, the SAR to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Qatar Riyal, the QAR to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Russian Ruble, the RUB to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Singaporean Dollar, the SGD to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Philippines Peso, the PHP to Naira black market exchange rate.

✓ The Kuwaiti Dinar, the KWD to Naira black market exchange rate.

How Did We Get These Rates?

As you can see from the above table, we got the rates from Forex brokers, crypto currency brokers as well as Abokis on the street of Lagos. When we deposit and withdraw funds from these brokers, the above black market rates were offered us. 

What Can I Do With This Information?

Knowing the latest exchange rates of other currencies to the Naira, will help you to have a good bargain at the market when you go to exchange your currencies so that you don't get cheated. The rate you may finally get at the BDC or Aboki on the street maybe a little higher or lower than the exchange rates displayed here.

How Often Will These Rates Be Updated?

We shall be updating this particular page based on rate availability.